Install the ShortcutButtonBar Enabler

The ShortcutButtonbarEnabler widget allows you to add your own shortcuts to the Masthead in your Notes Client without java or eclipse knowledge.

Follow this steps to install this extension to your Notes Client:

Open your My Widgets Sidebar view.

Drag the link "ShortcutButtonbarEnabler" to the "My Widgets" sidebar.


Allow Notes to install this unsigned plugin.

After a short time Notes will ask you to restart the client and afterwards you can add your custom shortcuts to the notes.ini. For details how this works have a look at  "Add your own Shortcuts to the Masthead without Java or Eclipse Knowledge"

If you like the "ShortcutButtonBarEnabler" you can support my work with a small donation. Thank you in advance.


  1. What security does the resource database require? My items load short of the icons. They only show little red squares (despite being 16x16 PNG) - what PNG options?

  2. The database does only need read access. Do you have any error messages in the support trace log in the Notes client? The plugin needs write access to the temp directory on the client to save the icon from the ressource database to the filesystem temporarily. You do not need any special png options. Should work with every non animated png.

  3. You can check if your temp folder contains the images, so you know that they are exported sucessfully.

