Showing posts with label Holiday Readings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Readings. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Holiday Readings or what i pack in my suitcase for this year holidays. (Part I)

The holiday season is coming with big steps and so the every year question is,  which books should i pack in my suitcase (or load on my kindle ;-)) to learn new things and improve my skills in various IT topics.

My first priority this year is to improve my understanding of how Windows internals works and how i can solve typical problems in windows more efficient. The most efficient tool to solve windows problems is the Sysinternals suite. But to get the most out of this tools you need a deep understanding how they work and which tool is used for which use case. Fortunately the creators of the Sysinternals suite have written and published a reference manual. If you use the tools regularly you should really take this one with you on your journey.

Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference

If you want to go more in detail how Windows works you can have a look at the Windows Internals  books. This books target the windows system developer, but i think they are also a chest full of treasures for the advanced windows admin. Because many mystery problems in windows will become understandable when you know how windows works under the hood.

Windows Internals Part 2

All books are available as softcover or as Kindle Edition.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Holiday reading: IBM Redbooks: Lotus Domino Development Best Practices

I do not know why i did not read this redbook one year ago, but i am very happy that i read this redbook in this year holidays. It is full of very usefull informations how things in Notes/Domino work and what are the best practices to write good Domino Applications. In my opinion the best part is the performance chapter. So do not miss this part of the redbook.

Lotus Domino Development Best Practices

Performance Considerations

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Holiday reading: Analyze performance in DB2 on IBM i

It is very easy to write working SQL statements to access data stored in DB2 on your IBM i, but if your users want their data fast, you need a deep understanding how data retrieval on the i works and how to tune your SQL statements and indexes to get maximum performance. So my today holiday reading is the ultimative source of informations regarding SQL performance on the i. It is a little bit old, but still one of the most valuable reading.

OnDemand SQL Performance Analysis Simplified on DB2 for i5/OS

To get up to date you can read the DB2 section of the following two redbooks.

IBM i 6.1 Technical Overview
IBM i 7.1 Technical Overview with Technology Refresh Updates

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Urlaubslektüre Kluftingers erster Fall Milchgeld

Nach der vielen Fachliteratur habe ich mir heute mal einen Roman auf mein Tablet geladen. In den letzten Jahren habe ich ja meistens schwedische (Henning Mankell) oder italienische (Donna Leon oder Andrea Camilleri) Kost im Liegestuhl genossen. Dieses mal habe ich mir gedacht ich könnte doch mal einen Krimi unserer deutschen Nachbarn ausprobieren. Als Einstieg in die deutsche Kriminalliteratur habe ich mir den ersten Fall von Kommisar Kluftinger Milchgeld von Volker Klüpfl und Michael Kobr ausgesucht. Ich habe den Roman zwar erst zur Haelfte fertig, aber bis jetzt bin ich sehr postiv überrascht. Auch wenn der Krimi sicher nicht ganz die Klasse eines Wallanders (dafür aber angenehm gewaltarm) oder den Humor eines Camilleri erreicht is es locker leichte Krimiliteratur wie gemacht für den Strandurlaub.

Also Emfehlung von mir.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Holiday reading: TCP Congestion control

Have you ever want to know how TCP shares the bandwith between different connections. TCP has to choose which connections need which amount of bandwith and how to handle the latency requirements of different types of connections. So that your voip call will not become unreliable when you start a large download.  There are different algorithms for this problem for example compound in Windows and cubic in Linux. But which of this algorithms is better for a given scenario in a heavy used network.

Here are my holiday readings regarding this topic:

Comparison of different congestion algorithms

Compound Congestion algorithm in detail

Remy a new high performance TCP algorithm