Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Temporarily disabling and re-enabling Notes roaming user status

The roaming feature of the notes client works really well and i always recommend to use roaming on production systems, but there is one caveat, if you change the notes id of the client when roaming is enabled, you will get all sort of weird problems. So NEVER change the notes id while roaming is enabled on your client. Normally changing the id in the client is not necessary, but when i test readers field functionality i want a quick way to change the id without logout and relogin of my windows session. 

Fortunately with Notes 8.5.2 IBM introduced a Notes.ini setting with which one can disable roaming temporarily. So if you have the same usecase as i, add "DisableRoaming=1" to your notes.ini before you change the notes id to the id of another user. After you finish your testing, you can re enable roaming with "DisableRoaming=0" in the notes.ini.

You can find all details how this great feature works in the technote Disabling and re-enabling Notes roaming user status on the fly.


  1. Link should be:

  2. Thank you i will correct it immediatly.

